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- Crash Reconstruction Software
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- Best Crash Reconstruction Software
If you are looking for Accident Reconstruction Professional, you have come to the right place. We explain what Accident Reconstruction Professional is and point you to the official download.
What is Accident Reconstruction Professional?
The Accident Reconstruction Professional is a type of software that is designed to help a reconstruction artist recreate an accident, crash, or collision using mathematical formulas and calculations. It applies to any kind of collisions that involve motor vehicles, and automobiles such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles. It is also for pedestrians, buses, motor homes, big rigs, and trailers. System requirements include 32 or 54 versions of Microsoft Windows 8, 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, or a Mac that runs Windows. It needs 256 MB of RAM, a video monitor, and a card capable of 1024 x 768 resolutions. 33 MB of hard disk space is also required.
The Accident Reconstruction Professional features accuracy and speed while producing court-ready documentation of the reconstruction. It has a selection of formulas. These formulas are reworked and made even more modular. They come from sources such as the IPTM and Northwestern University. It is able to run multiple formulas at the same time.
Download Accident Reconstruction Professional from the developer does not provide software hosting. We send you directly to the developer's site, to make sure you download the latest, original version of the program.
File types supported by Accident Reconstruction Professional
Our users primarily use Accident Reconstruction Professional to open these file types:
About file types supported by Accident Reconstruction Professional
- Accident Reconstruction free download - Trespasser demo, Inpaint, Reconstruction 360, and many more programs.
- Accident Diagram is free to use and will always be free. There are certain features that you can unlock with Accident Diagram Plus, such as Add Custom images (from photo library or copied images), no Watermark on diagrams you print and to no Ads. You can purchase optional Accident Diagram Plus packages as an in-app purchase. aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.
If you have additional information about which types of files Accident Reconstruction Professional can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.
R E C - T E C
Features | Special Projects | Updated Brake Force Article Grimes & Heusser | Publications & Articles |
The world’s most comprehensiveaccident reconstruction software
The REC-TEC upgrade is a powerfulnew software tool, a spectacular advancement in accident reconstruction.
Clickhere to Preview
RE C - T E C
Crash Reconstruction Software

The world’s most comprehensive accident reconstruction software program includes
Integrated Monte Carlo (Range) and Finite Difference (Error) Analysis
SMAC-RT(Calspan SMACwith upgrades) * Drive3*Time/Distance * Acceleration-Deceleration Factor * Acceleration * Deceleration(Swerve Comparison Option) * Multiple Surfaces (10) * Multiple Events (99) *Multiple Vehicles (2) * Motion Analysis (99 Phases) * Electronic Data Module(99) * V-TRAX (4-Vehicle) Animation * Collision Avoidance: * Analysis, *Braking, * Passing, * Turning, Separation Distance and * Following * Angular Momentum * 360 Digital Momentum * 360 Linear Momentum: * Fragmented (4for each vehicle) Vehicles * Spinout Trajectories * Vector Sum Analysis *Energy-Momentum Analysis * 360 LM Omni - PDOF Lite * Vector (EDR-Momentum)Integration * Vectors - EDR (360 & Inline Momentum * 2-Vehicle Crush5/Crash3 Damage Analysis with Balance of Forcescomputations –20 (non-) equidistant 'C' measurements – up to 3 Non-Linear zones perdamage element, Pre and Post Impact Speeds of both vehiclesusing Crash3 Damage Analysis & Vector Integration * Stiffness Coefficients * Energy: * Break Fracture *Conservation * Reduced Mass * Kinetic * Fall/Vault * Optimum Angle * 3 Points onArc * Pedestrian Vault * Vault-Slide Integration (minimum speed for throwdistance) * Yaw/Critical Speed * Motorcycle Lean Angle * 2D Photogrammetry *AASHTO (RR) Sight Triangle * Rotation Factor * Speed from RPM * Weight Shift (3Axis) * Triangle Solver * Quadratic Solver * Commercial Vehicles * S-CAM VAir/Air Disc Brake (48 Brakes) with automatic ABS and Matrixadjustments during the run * Rollover (Static & Dynamic) * Maximum OffTracking * Weight & Balance * LoadCheck A & B (weight based on load for T/Traileror Straight Truck/Bus) * Animation * Simulation * Graphics * Sensitivity Tables* DrawPad * Saves and Loads files * Imperial and/or Metric * Right or Left hand CoordinateSystems * Selectable Decimal Precision * Selectable word processors, CAD/drawingprograms and Internet browsers * FreeWeb-based IntegratedTraining Manual and Tutorial (InsideREC-TEC)covering all aspects of the program * Built in HelpFiles* Internet links to Government and Commercial sites * FreeAutoStats Lite, Canadian Vehicle Specs plus Sisters & Clones * Freephone, email support, and program upgrades * Optimized for Windows (allversions). Seamless integration with Word/WordPad or Adobe Acrobat (PDF writer)for creatingreports!
CDR data can be used to compute pre and post impact speeds using Vector (EDR-Momentum) sending that data to 360 LM for further analysis. The 360 LM information can be sent directly to SMAC (Simulation) by clicking on a few buttons.
TheTime-Distance EDM module will use EDM or CDR speed information to analyze thedata and plot the deceleration curves for the vehicles unavailable in any otherprogram.
Three new modules have been added (see screen captures below):
360 LM Omni - 28 combinations of Speeds and Angles may be used as UNKNOWNS with Vector Triangulation Technology (VTT) in Linear Momentum for maximum flexibility. While other programs allow 6 combinations (Speeds Only), REC-TEC uses all 28 combinations (Angles and Speeds), making it the Ideal tool to use with EDR based reconstructions.
School Bus Stop - displays a School Bus Stop graphically and numerically including Perception-Reaction Time and Distance, Braking Time and Distance, Clearance Distance, and Crosswalk Distance if applicable. The assumed bus length is also shown.
Work Zone (MUTCD) - displays the various elements of the three basic types of Work Zones describing the elements and showing minimum recommended dimensions based on Speed and Width of Offset.
** REC-TEC – When Performance Counts **
Click for version comparison and links to detailed information on each module
Internet Documentation (Translation Accelerators)
Thefollowing HTML documents can be translated using a Translation Accelerator
Clickhere for REC-TEC Startup Guide (Downloadingthrough Main Screen functions)
Glimpse the power of REC-TEC Platinum
(These are free upgrades for Platinum users)
DrawPad - Modify JPG, GIF, and BMP files(See entire BMP below in Photogrammetry)

(These were all free upgrades for Platinum users)
2D (Close Range) Photogrammetry - Numerical Rectification: Click on above Screen Capture to read about it.
Linear Momentum Omni with Vector Triangulation Technology (VTT): Click on above Screen Capture to read about it.
Accident Reconstruction Software Free
Pedestrian-Cyclist Vault 2 revised and expanded. Click on above Screen Capture to read about it.
Work Zone (MUTCD) 6C-1
Work Zone (MUTCD) 6C-2
Work Zone (MUTCD) 6C-3
Crash Accident Reconstruction Software
SchoolBus Stop
Free Online Accident Reconstruction
Crush5 with Vector Integration computing the pre-impact and post-impact speeds of both vehicles
Crush 5 - Vehicle 1
Car Accident Reconstruction Software Free
Crush 5 - Vehicle 2
Best Crash Reconstruction Software
CrushCrush5 - Maximum Engagement
Crush 5 (1-click) data transfer to 360 Linear Momentum
360 Linear Momentum Graphics (Plane of Impact)
360 Linear Momentum (1 Click) transfer to SMAC Interface
V1 Centroid of Damage to V2 Centroid of Damage Impact
Optional: 360 Linear Momentum (1-click) data transfer to Vectors(EDR-Momentum) with Formulae displayed
Easy (1-click) transfer of both input and computed data from one module to another is a hallmark of REC-TEC Platinum. It not only serves to verify the computations using completely different methodologies, it generates additional data resulting in a more comprehensive picture of the event in question.
Are you missing anything? Question Everything!
Copyright © George M. Bonnett, JD
Last edited on Monday, 25 May 2020 09:45:22 PM -0500