Pagemaker File To Word Converter

For a definition of the word captivate, see the Wiktionary entry captivate. Adobe Captivate is a authoring tool that is used for creating elearning content such as software demonstrations, software simulations, branched scenarios, and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats. 12It can also convert Adobe Captivate generated file. A Pagemaker document may incorporate several sources of text, so it may be necessary to repeat the process for each 'story' found in a Pagemaker document. 7 Launch Word and select 'Open' under the. A PMD file is a page layout file created with Adobe PageMaker, a program used for creating professional publications such as newsletters and brochures. It contains formatted text, images, and drawn objects. PMD files also support images created in other Adobe programs. File extension.pmd,.pm4,.pm5,.pm6,.pm7,.p65.

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Pagemaker File To Word Converter

May 23, 2019 A third-party converter can extract the text from an XPS file so that you can copy and paste it into Word or import it from a separate.txt file. You then need to incorporate that text into your.

Conversion of pm5 file format to word file format beta

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Possible software with support for converting of pm5 files to word file format.

Old Adobe PageMaker does not support Microsoft Word formats, so even if you have access to the program a direct pm5 to word conversion, aka to doc or docx is unlikely.

However, PageMaker can export its own document to RTF format. These Rich Text documents can then be imported to Microsoft Word, or similar word processor and saved in DOC/DOCX format. Only the text will be converted however, special effects from PageMaker will not.

In any case, you will need PageMaker. Without it, any attempts to convert pm5 to word will be futile.

Convert Old Pagemaker Files

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.

Additional links: Open pm5 file, Open word file



Files with pm5 extension are first and foremost documents from version 5 of now discontinued Adobe PageMaker.


A pm5 file extension is related to the Perl script language source code.

Files with pm5 file extension are related to the SmartCAM software and used for its models.

A pm5 file extension is related to the Pegasus Mail and used for its template files.



Files with word file extension can be mainly found as very old text documents made in MacWrite that was available in 90s.

Files with word file extension can be possibly also found as very old documents made by some ancient version of MS Word for Mac.

Pagemaker File To Word Converter Download

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