Working full day in front of screen stressed up to your eyes and after that, you might be looking for PDF viewer that offers night mode to reduce the strain on your eyes. This tutorial provides complete details with listing on all major devices such as iOS, Windows, macOS, and Android OS.
Night mode is a basic requirement nowadays and even the computer and phones itself offering these features. You can even set the night mode on some applications that works great.
The night mode can make night-time reading easier on your eyes and help you get a better night's sleep. Tap on the “Viewer Mode” icon on the top menu bar. Change the theme from “White” to “Black”. That’s it, now enjoy the Night Reading mode. Slideshow Mode PDF Reader allows you to turn PDF pages into presentation slides. On Dark theme in adobe acrobat reader: Night Mode In Adobe PDF Reader. It's something that i need in my PDF reader and I was disappointed because iBooks did not implement it. Night mode is very helpful. If all you want is to maintain a list of pdf files and sync with your computer over wifi and read without any clutter or a vast inventory of text manipulation tools then this app will fulfill its purpose. Foxit PDF Reader is a popular PDF app with more than a hundred thousand installs recorded on Google Play, and a high rating of 4.6. It doesn't take long to understand Foxit's success.
Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub), HoloLens. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for PDF Reader - View, Edit, Share.
If you have regular work your PDF documents then it is recommended to go for Nitro Productivity Suite that offers Nitro PDF Viewer. In this you can set your PC to night mode and that works great with Nitro.

4 Best PDF Reader with Night Mode
1. Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader is top choice of many users. The reason is its easily available for all OS and simple to use. It offers a Night mode feature that makes readability even more flexible.
Adobe Acrobat Reader works with Windows, iOS devices, and Android device.
Related: 5 best PDF Readers for Windows 10
2. Foxit Reader
Another well known name for PDF reader. Foxit Reader is a free tool to read the PDF document and along with this, it also offers some advanced features that you may require on your PDF editing. It offers attractive User Interface so that your readability becomes more interesting.
Pdf Reader With Night Mode Free
Foxit Reader works well for macOS, Windows, iPhone, Android. For mobile users, you can download Foxit PDF Reader Mobile.
Related: 5 best PDF Editor for Mac
3. XODO PDF Reader
Xodo is the ultimate cross-platform PDF viewer and annotator and absolutely free of cost. It is light in weight, a fast reader and an amazing User Interface. It is compatible with almost every OS such as iOS, Windows, Chrome, Extensions for Chrome, Android phones and much more.
Along with just reading your PDF, you can also make changes to PDF such as annotate, collaborate, markup, and much more.
Pdf Reader With Night Mode Mac
4. WPS Office
WPS Office is another best alternate which offers night view mode. It also comes with premium version but if you are looking for reading PDF purpose then you can go for a free version.
WPS Office is compatible with iOS, Windows, and Android devices. It gives you storage up to 1 GB cloud storage for free.
These are 4 best and top-rated PDF reader that offers night view mode. The best thing is all offering a free version and you can use them absolutely free.
Pdf Reader With Night Mode Pc
I hope you find this article about best PDF readers with night mode useful and definitely love this guide. For