Revit Viewer

Revit Viewer is intended for reviewing models and printing views and sheets without the need for a software license or subscription. If Revit is installed Use the Revit Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu, to launch Revit in the viewer mode. Next to the Revit full version there should also be a 'Revit Viewer xxxx' icon shortcut. It's just a command switch in the shortcut starting the full version into the viewer mode. Like: 'C: Program Files Autodesk Revit 2019 Revit.exe' /viewer /language ENU. AutoCAD has a seperate viewer download. (DWG Trueview I believe).

How Do I Use Revit Viewer?

Revit Viewer Mac

  • Mar 08, 2021 To use Revit Viewer, install Revit, and then do one of the following: From the Windows Start menu, select Revit Viewer. Create and use a desktop shortcut as follows, replacing ENU with the desired language code: 'C: Program Files Autodesk Revit 2021 Revit.exe' /viewer /language ENU.
  • Mar 23, 2020 Best Free Revit Viewer – Getting Started with the Autodesk Viewer Web Application. The following image sequence will guide users through signing in and setting up your Revit Model for viewing freely with the Autodesk Viewer Web App. To be honest, these steps are just to cover the basics and are intuitive enough to breeze through, so skip ahead to the next paragraph which c.

In this Revit tutorial, I will quickly share what the Revit Viewer is all about with the Smarter Architect community. In less than 5 minutes, you can get a basic understanding of exactly what the Revit file viewer can and can not do to help you in Revit by watching this video:

1. From the Start menu, locate the Autodesk program folder. The full installation of the current version of Revit will appear as well as the Revit Viewer. No separate Revit Viewer download is necessary. If you download the 30-day Autodesk Revit trial here, this installation will automatically be reduced to operating solely as the free Revit Viewer capability once your trial period is over. (If you are working on network license, I would recommend downloading a stand-alone desktop trial version and using it as your main Revit Viewer without checking out an unnecessarily checking out one of the commercial Revit licenses.)

2. Open the Revit Viewer. The above menu will appear to confirm that you have opened the read-only Revit Viewer. For this Revit tutorial, I am opening one of my projects in the Revit Viewer 2014. The Viewer mode does not appear any different than the full version in action aside from stating VIEWER MODE in the banner at startup as shown below.

3. The main advantage to using the Revit file viewer over Autodesk Design Review is for real time viewing of any Revit model progress. DWF files are great for periodic documentation and marking up production drawings for record, but it is outdated as soon as the modeling continues. The free Revit Viewer allows the ability to print Revit To PDF or export to DWF, but only if no other model changes have been attempted. In the event that a Revit user attempts to make edits, the menus below will be displayed and even the printing/exporting capability of the Revit Viewer will not be available any longer.

So if you realize that printing and exporting functionality has been removed, then use Undo from the Quick Access Toolbar (shown below) in Revit and reverse any changes. Then it will be restored.

5.Lastly, if you find that you use the Revit Viewer often – remember that you can create a desktop shortcut following the image below. I find the Revit Viewer to be perfect for supervisors or clients who want to observe the construction model or track the teams’ progress without the unwarranted expense of commercial license.

CAD software is expensive. Sometimes we need to open a design only for review, measure and maybe print it. Those reasons often can’t justify us to purchase another seat. A free viewer is a great solution for this purpose. Let’s see the viewers that you can use.

Autodesk revit viewer online

Revit Viewer 2015

The Magic Bullet: A360 Viewer

Autodesk has an online viewer, A360 Viewer. This viewer is provided as a cloud solution to view your CAD File. Because it’s a cloud solution, it means you don’t have to install software on your computer. All you need is a browser and internet connection.

It is also interesting that it supports almost every popular CAD format available.

You can save and share the uploaded file if you sign in using Autodesk account. By signing in, the file is kept for 30 days.

However, if you have an Autodesk account, you can upload the file in Autodesk 360 Drive for more options. The free account gives you 5GB storage.

Revit ViewerRevit viewer pdf

The cons

A360 Viewer seems like a perfect solution. However, not everyone convinced to upload their file to the cloud and risk anyone to see it. And internet connection is a luxury that not everyone can have.

The Desktop Viewers

A desktop viewer is an acceptable solution for most users. We usually only need to see one or two file format to review, so we don’t need a viewer that can open anything. If you use Autodesk software, you can find all available free viewers here: Autodesk Viewers.

Revit Viewer Autodesk

Revit Viewer

Something is missing in the list: Revit Viewer. But don’t worry, you still can view the RVT file with a free viewer.

When you install Revit with the trial license, you can use Revit for 30 days. When the trial period is over, you can still use Revit to open files, but you can’t save the project. You can use the Revit Viewer icon to prevent Revit taking a license. It is very useful if you work with a networked license.

Because it was not a traditional viewer like the others, you can use all the features, but you can’t save the project. Or publish the project after you modify it. So you can use it for learning purpose too.

Revit Viewer 2020

What Viewer Do You Use?

Not all software vendor provides free viewer. It is good that Autodesk provides free viewers for their customer. What is your experience with viewers? What are the viewers that you use?